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Chairlift Rate James Taylor, Ashton Kutcher and The Little Mermaid | Over/Under

Caroline Polachek and Patrick Wimberly of Chairlift talk about whether dinosaurs, Ashton Kutcher, The Little Mermaid and more are overrated or underrated.

Released on 06/08/2016


(marker squeaking)

(energetic drum music)

(marker squeaking)



Teddy bears are classic.

Don't ever tell anybody their teddy bear is overrated.

(Caroline laughs)

Not gonna go over well.

(Caroline laughs)




'Cause he's really dumb, or you just think

he's really good at acting dumb so you think that he's dumb,

(Caroline hums)

which really might just make him a good actor.


But then why would he be playing Steve Jobs?

(Caroline laughs)

He didn't seem dumb in that movie.

Did you see it?

No, I refused on principle.

(both laugh)



It's pretty good so far, I'm gonna give it underrated.

Yeah, underrated.

Also, you kinda have a sense of

if a party's gonna be good before you go to it.

(guy laughs)

Your 20s, you don't really know that, you just show up,

and waste a lot of time.



(Caroline laughs)

James Taylor, underrated, for sure.

Were you reading our Twitter?

(both laughing)

My mom played a lot of James Taylor in the house

when I was a kid, and I thought it was really boring

and bland, and now, I suddenly get just how,

it's so hard to do really simple things well,

and write a simple song well,

and he just nails it.

Nails it every time.




They get a lot of media representation

for how few of them there are around.

There's not very many.

(both laugh)



What's the song that I really like?

The one where she's in the cave,

and she has a fork.

Part of that world?

♫ Part of that world

I keep wanting to say the song's called

Look at this Stuff, but that's not what the song's called.

♫ Look at this stuff, isn't it neat

(both laughing)



I'm just imagining myself screaming right now,

just like screaming.

And it kind of feels therapeutic

in my head.

I don't think I've ever heard you scream.

Yeah, I bet it would be awesome.

(both laugh)

Yeah, yeah, I'll try a scream.

Should I scream about something?

No, I'm just gonna scream.

[Caroline] Just scream.

(both laughing)

All right, you ready?


I can't do it!

(Caroline laughing)

I believe in you, Patrick, you can do it.

Okay, I'm trying to

(Patrick exhales, screams very quietly)

(Caroline laughing)

(Patrick screams quietly, gags)

(Patrick laughs)

(screams loudly)

(heel taps)

(Caroline laughs)


(Caroline and cameraperson laugh)

(energetic drum music)

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