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Big Sean Rates Romantic Porn, NASCAR Lingerie, and Ewoks

He also rates luxury bunkers, Home Improvement, Coney Dogs and more in the next episode of Over/Under

Released on 03/06/2017


(drum rolls)

Romantic Porn is definitely underrated.

Passionate porn, it's hard to get that in porn.

You see a lot of the porn where you're like,

okay she's not really enjoying it.

Like you could tell it's like not really hidden

you know what I'm saying but when it is

and you capture that on camera.

It's hard to do things on camera first of all.

We all know this like who's ever interviewed

or talked or like performed.

So you can just imagine having sex on camera

which may not be hard for some of us

but for some people it can be very hard.

So I think that's a talent.

Just I decide it.

(drum rolls)

See you change the game with that.

Nascar lingerie.

That's sounds overrated.

It must exist but it might get

a little like tacky on the bra.

Nascar or like you know bright green and red

and yellow and shit.

I kinda like the bra and panties to be matching,

like one color.

Let me just clear that up.

Not on me.

I don't wear bra and panties.

I like the bra and panties that are presented to me

on my lady to be matching.

Just clearing that up.

(drum rolls)

Skinny dipping in the ocean is underrated.

That is a fire thing.

That is one of the greatest,

anything on the beach is just underrated.

The beach is one of the best places on earth.

So anything extra is just extra man.

Any sex you having on the beach,

you know you might get some little like tappy or whatever.

You know you might be catching a vibe.

(drum rolls)

Cattoos might be overrated.

Cats are underrated.

See I haven't seen too many cattoos in person.

So when I think about it in my head,

it's sounds overrated but if it's in the right place

at the right time it might be underrated to me.

I might like a ass tatt of a cat too, might be cool.

(drum rolls)

Coney dogs are underrated.

If you come to Detroit, you know coney is everywhere.

You got a coney island in every neighborhood.

I think the later it gets, the better coney island get.

But I've had breakfast from there too

like when everything else is open.

I've been completely satisfied.

Like don't get it twisted you know what I mean.

Those cooks in there are A1.

(drum rolls)

Home improvement is underrated.

And home improvement was in the D, come on.

It's very classic.

Shows that takes place in the D are nothing but classic.

Martin, Home Improvement, Pure Heat.

Tim Allen, he was Buzz Lightyear one of the greatest,

that's like a GOAT man.

Buzz Lightyear is a GOAT,

so yeah Tim Allen underrated.

Tim Allen went to jail for trafficking cocaine,

underrated (laughs).

(drum rolls)


Luxury bunkers on fire like it's like the apocalypse

going on, it could be anything popping off

outside in your luxury bunker,

come on now that's fire.

That's big boss standards that like big Bs,

you know what I'm saying.

The way the planet is going now.

The way we don't care about our pollution.

We're gonna be living in bunkers sooner than later.

I may have to look into my bunker.

(drum rolls)

I love ewoks.

So you're asking somebody who loves ewoks.

They're underrated 'cause they're tight.

I would love to have pet ewok meet me in my house

every time I come through the door.

Yeah, hey what's up?

This my bunker.

This my ewok like it's cool.

He's happy taking care of you

somehow understands you.

Does not speak your language

but still understands exactly what you want

and they're like, like you said the hash you know.

That sounds like Thanksgiving.

After Thanksgiving dinner, you know yeah.

(drum rolls)

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