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The Enduring Spirit

Tomb Mold
Best New Album
The Toronto death metal band returns with its best album yet: an ambitious and deeply human suite that touches the sublime.


Ralphie Choo
The Spanish artist’s debut cuts and pastes from R&B, hip-hop, reggaeton, and flamenco. It’s bizarre and incongruous—but oddly satisfying.

Protect Your Light

Irreversible Entanglements
The free jazz collective takes a more patient and self-reflective approach to politics on their new album.

Messages to God

Sarah Mary Chadwick
With flutes and instrumental flair, the New Zealand singer-songwriter adds restless drama to her steadfast, plainspoken reflections on pain and personal growth.

Laugh Track

The National
The National’s second album of 2023 extends its predecessor’s subdued mood and reclusive purview.


Music Festivals in the Time of Extreme Weather

The 40 Most Anticipated Tours of 2023

The 48 Most Anticipated Albums of Fall 2023

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